Upcoming Events

Family Game Night

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Family Game Night September 9, 7-8:30pm Join us and compete with your family (family can be one person or many) in a night of fun and exciting minute-to-win-it style games that are enjoyable for all ages! Enjoy our provided snacks and drinks as your family competes for raffle tickets and the chance to win some […]

Event Series Stung By The Tongue

Stung By The Tongue

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Stung By The Tongue Sundays, September 10-24 James, who tradition identifies as the half-brother of Jesus, writes about the struggles real Christians faced in the first century. They are many of the same struggles we face today. In this short letter, James focuses on giving wisdom and guidance for the Christian life in the light […]

Small Group Ministry Fair

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

You are invited stay after worship for snacks and the chance to learn all about the small groups being offered this fall. Email Pastor Marcela Jarman with any questions.

Event Series Pub Theology

Pub Theology

Meets every other Monday evening. Pub Theology is group of men who are open, honest and supporting of one another. This is an open and welcoming discussion group. They pick different readings or subjects prior to the meeting and then come together over beer/wine/water/snacks/etc. to discuss in a casual conversation about the subject. Always open […]

Event Series Men’s Tuesday Study

Tuesday Morning Men’s Group

Tuesday Morning Men's Group Tuesdays, 6:45-7:45am via Zoom This group of men meets at the beginning of the day.  Using prayers and praises, they offer mutual support in an honest and safe environment. They journey together as they follow in the way of Jesus. Always open to new members. The book currently being read and discussed […]

Event Series Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Women's Bible Study Tuesdays beginning on September 19th,  9:30-11:15 in the Sanctuary. Do you have trouble thinking of what to say to God?  Join us as we study prayers in the bible that can inspire our own.  As you draw near to God through prayer, your faith will be strengthened, and your heart united with […]

Event Series Tuesday Evening Small Group

Tuesday Evening Small Group

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

We are an inclusive, multigenerational group of men and woman. New participants are always welcome. We meet both in person at Crossroads and online. Weekly small group meeting that includes sharing praises, prayers with a study that includes an ongoing series of books for discussion. This all-inclusive multi-generational small group provides an environment for contemplation […]

Event Series Bite-Sized Faith

Bite-Sized Faith

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

High School students are invited to hang out in a welcoming and safe environment. Each week we will alternate between dinner and dessert. This is a free event, invite a friend! Email Drew Ensz with any questions.

Fall Clean-Up Day

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

As Fall approaches, there are many things to do in and around the church building to get ready for folks attending church and for HOPE Preschool families starting school. If you enjoy working outside in the yard or working on inside projects, we have a job for you! Come when you can and stay as […]