Upcoming Events

Baptism Workshop

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Baptism Workshop In baptism, each infant, child, and adult is marked as God's beloved, just as Jesus was marked in his own baptism. As a church community, we celebrate the individual and commit to surround them with a welcoming community of love and support as they grow in their faith. During the Baptism Passage Workshop, […]

Event Series Bite-Sized Faith

Bite-Sized Faith

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

High School students are invited to hang out in a welcoming and safe environment. Each week we will alternate between dinner and dessert. This is a free event, invite a friend! Email Drew with any questions.


Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Confirmation Sunday Sunday, February 19, 10am 9th grade students (or older students who have not been confirmed) and and their parent(s)/guardian(s) are invited to attend Confirmation classes on Sundays in the lower level as follows: Sunday sessions: January 8, 15, 29, Feb 5, and 12 Register here. Email Drew at densz@crossroadsnova.org with any questions!

Event Series God’s Plan

God’s Plan

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Sundays, February 5-19, 10am @ Crossroads or Livestream Often we hear people talk about God’s plan for their lives. Many times it’s about large decisions that need to be made. Sometimes it’s a way of explaining hardship and pain. Join us for this series where we will take a look at what God’s plans are […]

Tea with Tim

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Tea with Tim Sunday, February 19th, 11:15am-12pm Interested in learning more about Crossroads and/or membership? Please review the available slots here and click on the button to sign up to have tea (or coffee!) with Pastor Tim. Email Susan Yantis at syantis@crossroadsnova.org with any questions.

Event Series Men’s Tuesday Study

Tuesday Morning Men’s Group

Tuesday Morning Men's Group Tuesdays, 6:45-7:45am via Zoom This group of men meets at the beginning of the day.  Using prayers and praises, they offer mutual support in an honest and safe environment. They journey together as they follow in the way of Jesus. Always open to new members. The book currently being read and discussed […]

Event Series Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Women's Bible Study Tuesdays beginning on September 19th,  9:30-11:15 in the Sanctuary. Do you have trouble thinking of what to say to God?  Join us as we study prayers in the bible that can inspire our own.  As you draw near to God through prayer, your faith will be strengthened, and your heart united with […]

Ash Wednesday Service

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Ash Wednesday Service Join us at 7pm for a reflective and interactive service. This is a time for quiet prayer, contemplative activities focused on the meaning of Lent, and receiving ashes.  

Event Series Bite-Sized Faith

Bite-Sized Faith

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

High School students are invited to hang out in a welcoming and safe environment. Each week we will alternate between dinner and dessert. This is a free event, invite a friend! Email Drew with any questions.

Event Series Moms Connect

Moms Connect

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

A Moms group for Moms of school age children (elementary school and up). Meets the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at noon. Sign up here. Email smallgroups@crossroadsnova.org with questions.