Upcoming Events

Seminar: The State of Adolescent Mental Health

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Join us for this very important seminar about the state of our adolescents' mental health. What are the stressors and challenges facing our teens today?  Learn effective communication strategies and […]

Event Series Pub Theology

Pub Theology

Pub Theology meets every other Monday evening. We are a group of men who are open, honest and supportive of one another. We pick different books/topics and then come together […]

Event Series Mid-Day Mom’s Bible Zoom

Mid-Day Mom’s Bible Zoom

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Mid-Day Mom's Bible Zoom Tuesdays, 12:45-2pm (except for LCPS holidays) Currently the group is reading The Proverbs Devotional Challenge by Alan Vermilye. Sign up here. Email smallgroups@crossroadsnova.org for more information.

Event Series Homeless Shelter Meal

Homeless Shelter Meal

Loudoun Homeless Shelter 19520 Meadowview Court, Leesburg, VA, United States

Homeless Shelter Meal Mission 2nd Wednesday of every month On the 2nd Wednesday of each month, Crossroads volunteers will be providing hot meals for those in need at the Loudoun […]