Upcoming Events

Parents’ Afternoon Out

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Hey Parents - KidVenture is providing a "Parents' Afternoon Out" childcare opportunity for ages K-5th grade on Saturday, February 8th, 12-4pm. We will entertain your kids with games, music, crafts, and more here at Crossroads while you enjoy a relaxing afternoon. Space is limited, so register your child early. Cost is $15.00 per child. To […]

Canceled Students – George Mason Basketball Game

Eagle Bank Arena 4500 Patriot Circle, Fairfax, VA

Come and join us for an exciting Bite-Size Faith outing! Watch the George Mason Patriots take on Rhode Island at Eagle Bank Arena in Fairfax on Saturday, February 8th at 4 PM. Tickets: $15 each Meet-Up: Please meet our group in front of the Arena. Click here to register. Click here to pay (choose Student Events […]

Event Series Message Series: Identity Crisis

Message Series: Identity Crisis

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Who am I? It’s a question that people start asking when they are in middle school and often continues through the rest of our lives. In the Bible there is a man named Jacob. He spent most of his life in survival mode. He struggled from the time that he was born and faced challenges each […]

Event Series Student Ministry Breakfast Club

Student Ministry Breakfast Club

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

During the school year, this is a relaxing time for breakfast treats, laughter, and connection on Sunday mornings at 10am. Teachings and discussions support students as they grow in understanding God’s love for each of us and every person we come in contact with. Want to be a Breakfast Club volunteer? Click here to see how and […]

Event Series Men’s Tuesday Study

Tuesday Morning Men’s Group

Tuesday Morning Men's Group Tuesdays, 6:45-7:45am via Zoom This group of men meets at the beginning of the day.  Using prayers and praises, they offer mutual support in an honest and safe environment. They journey together as they follow in the way of Jesus. They are reading The Walk by Adam Hamilton on their own […]

Event Series Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Women's Bible Study Tuesdays, 9:30-11:00 in the Sanctuary This group meets weekly to discuss a faith-based book or scripture. Starting on January 14th, we will be studying Truthfilled. Join us to study Paul's Letter to the Colossians as we learn to rest in God's character. Through our identity in Christ, we can respond in faith […]

Event Series Mid-Day Mom’s Bible Zoom

Mid-Day Mom’s Bible Zoom

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Mid-Day Mom's Bible Zoom Tuesdays, 12:45-2pm (except for LCPS holidays) Currently the group is reading The Proverbs Devotional Challenge by Alan Vermilye. Sign up here. Email smallgroups@crossroadsnova.org for more information.