Upcoming Events

Bible Sunday

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

On Sunday, October 20, 2024, we are excited to invite your KidVenture kids to a special celebration here at Crossroads United Methodist Church! As part of our church family, we believe in nurturing each child's personal relationship with God. To support this, we celebrate Bible Sunday, where students in 3rd - 5th grade are gifted […]

Event Series Desperate Message Series

Desperate Message Series

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Have you ever been really desperate to do things right? We are desperate to follow the rules; desperate for alignment; desperate to make an impact; desperate to celebrate. We also often long to do what God wants us to do with our resources. This series will focus on how to turn that desperation into action. […]

Event Series Student Ministry Breakfast Club

Student Ministry Breakfast Club

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

During the school year, this is a relaxing time for breakfast treats, laughter, and connection on Sunday mornings at 10am. Teachings and discussions support students as they grow in understanding God’s love for each of us and every person we come in contact with. Want to be a Breakfast Club volunteer? Click here to see how and […]

Blessing of the Pets

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Bring your pets big and small to receive a special blessing! We will also be accepting donations of dog and cat food (dry or canned) and soft dog treats for FOHA and the Loudoun County local animal shelter. We will also have a photo shoot area for you and your pet! This event will take place in the gravel […]

Student Laser Tag

Ultrazone Loudoun 23520 Overland Drive, Sterling, VA, United States

Middle and High Schoolers are invited to meet at Ultrazone Loudoun in Sterling, VA, for a fun evening of laser tag. Cost is $28 per person which includes laser tag, 2 slices of pizza and unlimited drinks. Pick up and drop off will be at Ultrazone Loudoun. We are excited to see you there! To register and pay, please click […]

Event Series Men’s Tuesday Study

Tuesday Morning Men’s Group

Tuesday Morning Men's Group Tuesdays, 6:45-7:45am via Zoom This group of men meets at the beginning of the day.  Using prayers and praises, they offer mutual support in an honest and safe environment. They journey together as they follow in the way of Jesus. They are reading The Walk by Adam Hamilton on their own […]

Event Series Mid-Day Mom’s Bible Zoom

Mid-Day Mom’s Bible Zoom

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

Mid-Day Mom's Bible Zoom Tuesdays, 12:45-2pm (except for LCPS holidays) Currently the group is reading The Proverbs Devotional Challenge by Alan Vermilye. Sign up here. Email smallgroups@crossroadsnova.org for more information.

Event Series Tuesday Evening Small Group

Tuesday Evening Small Group

Crossroads UMC 43454 Crossroads Drive, Ashburn, VA

We are an inclusive, multigenerational group of men and woman. New participants are always welcome. We meet both in person at Crossroads and online. Weekly small group meeting that includes sharing praises, prayers with a study that includes an ongoing series of books for discussion. This all-inclusive multi-generational small group provides an environment for contemplation […]

Event Series ESL Class

ESL Class

Old Ox Brewery 44652 Guilford Dr. #114, Ashburn, VA, United States

English classes are held at Crossroads United Methodist Church on Wednesday nights from 7-9pm. For more information click here.