Two Services FAQs

Q: When will this begin?

A: Our first Sunday of two services will be November 10, 2024

Q: What time are the services?

A: 9:00 am & 11:00 am. These times will allow for connection events after each service.

Q: Will the services be the same?

A: Yes! The music and the message will be the same and we will have communion at BOTH services. Both services will also be livestreamed. There will be slight differences. For example, we won’t do the same baptisms or the commissioning of mission teams at both services. 

Q: What about KidVenture?

A: There will be Nursery care and KidVenture classes for preschoolers at BOTH services. KidVenture for Kindergarten – 5th grade will be at the 9:00 service only. What that means is that your K-5th Grader is welcome to come into worship at 11. Find more information on our Kids page.

Q: What about Breakfast Club (Sunday mornings for Middle and High School)?

A: When surveyed, the church told us that students prefer to gather later on Sunday morning. We know how students like their sleep! We will have Breakfast Club at 11:00 only. We will continue to have student gatherings on Sunday evenings and during the week. Find more information on our Student page.

Q: What if my student comes at 9:00?

A: There are many options for your students if they attend at 9. They can go to worship, volunteer with First Impressions, or be a great example in KidVenture (once trained with the prospective leaders).

Q: What about my coffee and cookies?!

A: We will have coffee, cookies and other treats before and after BOTH services. This will not change from what we’re currently doing.

Q: What about fellowship time and service projects that happen after worship in the Fellowship Hall?

A: We will offer time for fellowship and the monthly service projects after BOTH services.

Q: What about Tea with Tim (monthly gathering to learn about membership)?

A: Tea with Tim will happen after BOTH services.

Q: What about Pints with the Pastor?

A: As it’s probably not ideal for Pastor Tim and Pastor Marcela to have a beer before the 11:00 service, Pints with the Pastor will be after the 11:00 service only.

Q:  How can I help?

A:  We’re glad you asked! As you can imagine, we will need more volunteers for our KidVenture program and for First Impressions.  The surveys indicated that more people are excited to volunteer when they have the option to go to worship at a different hour.  You can already sign up for First Impressions or to help out in KidVenture.